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$699$999/ includes
  • Proofreading
  • Formating For Ebook
  • Formating For Paperback
  • Book Cover For eBook & Paperback
  • Interior Customization
  • One On One Auther Support
  • ISBN Assignment
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$1399$1799/ includes
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Formating For Ebook
  • Formating For Paperback
  • Interior Customization
  • Book Cover For eBook & Paperback
  • Interior Revisions
  • One On One Auther Support
  • ISBN Assignment
  • 10 Paperback Copies
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$2499$2999/ includes
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Formating For Ebook
  • Formating For Paperback
  • Interior Customization
  • Upto 50 Image Insertions
  • Book Cover For eBook & Paperback
  • Interior Revisions
  • One On One Auther Support
  • ISBN Assignment
  • 20 Paperback Copies
  • 5 Hardcover Copies
  • Auther Website
  • Auther Website Domain
  • Auther Website Hosting
  • SMM Platform Creation
  • Book Promotions On SMM Platform
  • U.S Copyrights Of Book & Cover
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